A flurry of events to start the year

With boots and mittens on, off we go!

Over the coming weeks, we’re partnering with friends old and new to reach businesses in several parts of Vermont with information about planning for a smooth ownership transition. With both in-person and virtual events, this is a great time for business owners to learn more and for non-business owners to send a note to those who may be starting to look at their business succession options. Let them know about these events and, if needed, remind them that an early start is critical to a successful ownership transition!

January 16, Virtual Workshop, 12-1 PM

  • Employee Ownership for Succession: In collaboration with Teamshares and the Upper Valley Business Alliance, this webinar will cover transitioning your business to an employee ownership model. Presenters include VEOC’s Matt Cropp, Teamshares’ VP of Transactions Miranda Kalvaria, and West Lebanon Feed & Supply President Mike Burnham.

January 29, February 5 & 12, 3-Part Sellers’ Working Group, Brattleboro, 12-2 PM

  • Business Transitions: Reorganization and Succession: In partnership with the Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation, this series is intended to help small business owners navigate the sale/transition while avoiding critical mistakes. It will help you 1) understand the various steps of selling or transitioning your business 2) learn about available resources to establish a rule-of-thumb valuation for your business 3) create a sell sheet and learn how get the word out, and 4) understand financing options for your buyer or employees. (This series will be offered again virtually, April 23, 30 & May 7.)

February 4, In-Person Ownership Succession Lunch & Learn, Randolph, 11:30 AM - 1 PM

  • Cultivate a Business’ Future: Selling to Family, Managers, or Employees: This seminar is hosted at the Chandler Center for the Arts in collaboration with Cultivator Vermont. Enjoy a free lunch while gaining practical insights and answers to your questions and discovering how to assess and prepare for internal ownership transitions. We’ll cover key principles of succession planning and explore three specific paths for selling your business: to family members, managers, or employees.

February 7, In-Person Ownership Succession Lunch & Learn, Rutland, 11:30 AM - 1 PM

  • An Inside Exit: Selling a Business to Family, Managers, or the Employees: This seminar is hosted at The Hub CoWorks in Rutland. After enjoying a lunch from Gill’s Deli, this presentation will provide an overview of assessing and preparing for internal exit paths with an outline of general ownership succession principles and considerations. We will take a close look at three different ways of selling a business internally, including to the employees through an ESOP or worker-owned cooperative conversion.

We’re tremendously grateful for those who contributed to our recent call for support, and if you overlooked that, it’s not never too late.


2024 Report to the Community


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