VEOC 2024 Conference Recordings
Ryan Thornton Ryan Thornton

VEOC 2024 Conference Recordings

We recorded video for our 2024 conference morning plenary as well as for one session from each of the four rounds. Please enjoy and share the videos in this selection as you please.

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A quick look at the 22nd Annual Vermont Employee Ownership Conference
Ryan Thornton Ryan Thornton

A quick look at the 22nd Annual Vermont Employee Ownership Conference

The 2024 Vermont Employee Ownership Conference brought out over 250 people to UVM’s Davis Center on May 31 for a full day that included an excellent keynote address plus 24 workshops led by presenters and panelists from 23 different employee-owned companies from around Vermont and New England.

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On the World's Five Richest Men Doubling their Wealth
Ryan Thornton Ryan Thornton

On the World's Five Richest Men Doubling their Wealth

Early this year, variations of the same headline appeared in multiple publications: World's Five Richest Men Have Doubled their Wealth since 2020. Meanwhile, the world saw a reduction in the combined wealth of the world's poorest 60% (nearly 5 billion people) over the same period.

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What We Know about Employee Ownership
Ryan Thornton Ryan Thornton

What We Know about Employee Ownership

Professors hold the power to share this knowledge with the next generation of entrepreneurs, accountants, lawyers, lenders, and policymakers. Helping them understand the power of employee ownership is a seed we plant today not for our own benefit but for those who come after us.

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Wealth Supremacy and the employee ownership movement
Ryan Thornton Ryan Thornton

Wealth Supremacy and the employee ownership movement

With her latest book, Wealth Supremacy: How the Extractive Economy and the Biased Rules of Capitalism Drive Today’s Crises, Kelly has taken a step back from promoting any particular business models or economic solutions. Instead, the book deliberately goes straight into the center of our economic system in order to give name to what is found there.

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The employee ownership journey at Alliance Group</a>
Ryan Thornton Ryan Thornton

The employee ownership journey at Alliance Group

In the end, Jason celebrated Alliance’s ESOP for allowing he and Shaun to receive the value they were happy with when they sold to employees in 2018 and then creating the opportunity for a meaningful payday for employees in April.

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VEOC Conversion Technical Assistance Grant Program
Ryan Thornton Ryan Thornton

VEOC Conversion Technical Assistance Grant Program

Thanks to the 2022 earmark from Senator Bernie Sanders, the VEOC is thrilled to announce the availability of $50,000 in technical assistance grant dollars for those interested in exploring employee ownership!

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With few Vermonters owning their homes, employee ownership presents an opportunity
Ryan Thornton Ryan Thornton

With few Vermonters owning their homes, employee ownership presents an opportunity

Historically, owning a home has been the primary avenue for Americans to have a stake within their local communities, while owning a business has been another powerful means of local ownership for a much smaller subset of the population. Today, however, we’re at an historic moment where broad-based employee ownership is gaining momentum across the nation.

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Sen. Sanders secures $158,000 for VEOC
Ryan Thornton Ryan Thornton

Sen. Sanders secures $158,000 for VEOC

The center will use the funds to reach more Vermont business owners and entrepreneurs, administer technical assistance grants to businesses considering or converting to employee ownership, and create legal resources to simplify employee ownership transactions for Vermont business owners, employee groups, and entrepreneurs.

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